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9 evidence-based ways to prevent a hangover


This method has the informal name of “drip bar.” It can be pricey, and health insurance doesn’t cover the bill. But there’s no need to pay for IV fluids when you can drink a glass of water for free. Getting an IV insertion increases your risk that a vein may clot or become inflamed, or the injection site could become infected.

Is it possible to prevent a hangover?

But filling your already stressed stomach with greasy, heavy food isn’t the best option. When the body breaks down alcohol, lactic acid levels increase. This causes a drop in blood sugar levels, which can contribute towards a hangover. Antacids work by neutralizing the stomach acid to relieve an upset stomach.


Drugs & Supplements


The truth is, drinking again will just throw your body back into the same destructive cycle without giving it time to heal. This root how long do hangovers last has been a feature of Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Herbalists use it to treat everything from stress to asthma.

  • But if you find yourself feeling miserable the next morning, drink some water, take an aspirin if you need one, crawl back into bed to catch up on sleep, and, above all, be patient.
  • Staying hydrated could reduce hangover symptoms such as thirst, fatigue, headache, and dizziness.
  • Have a couple of slices of wheat toast or a few whole-grain crackers to bring those blood sugar levels back up to normal.
  • Some evidence suggests it might affect blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

Eating breakfast

  • Drinking alcohol can cause dehydration, which may worsen certain hangover symptoms.
  • Eating a good breakfast can help to maintain blood sugar levels as well as provide the body with the right combination of vitamins and minerals to function better.
  • Let’s begin with the fact that alcohol is a diuretic, which means it opens the floodgates for urine production.
  • Researchers say Korean pears might work with your body’s chemistry to break down alcohol faster.
  • The body is more susceptible to the toxic effects of acetaminophen when a person drinks alcohol, and this can contribute to liver damage in severe cases.

If you are unable to sleep in and take it easy the next day, getting drunk may not be such a good idea. If you feel trembly, something sugary could help, and you can also take an antacid first if you need to, to settle your stomach. Hangovers affect everyone differently, but there are things you can do to relieve symptoms if you’re already suffering.

Some evidence suggests it might affect blood sugar and blood pressure levels. A different herb that goes by a similar name, Siberian ginseng extract, also improved hangover symptoms like headache, dizziness, and stomachache. But the Siberian type isn’t the ginseng used in Chinese medicine.


A good breakfast

  • When drinking at home, some people may pour themselves more substantial measures or be less aware of the volumes they are using.
  • Give yourself plenty of time to sleep in after a night of celebration.
  • Being (and staying) hydrated as you drink is your best bet to preventing dehydration.
  • But filling your already stressed stomach with greasy, heavy food isn’t the best option.
  • Typically, your symptoms are the worst when your blood alcohol level returns to zero.

Drinking too much water too quickly (we’re talking gallons) can lead to lead to swelling of the brain, a serious and potentially deadly situation. The more you drink, the more pronounced these issues become, too. Until more systematic research is available, it is not possible to provide firm guidelines on dealing with hangovers. Research has linked oxidative stress to many health conditions, including heart disease and cancers. Antioxidants are compounds that help mop up these free radicals.



If coffee is part of your morning routine, go ahead and have a small cup. If you don’t already drink coffee regularly, don’t down a cup in hopes of relieving your hangover. An over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever will calm a pounding headache. As we get older, our body’s ability to process toxins slows down. As a result, you might be down for the count on less alcohol (and for longer) than before.

Inflammation helps your body repair tissue damage and fight infections. Evidence suggests that many hangover symptoms are caused by low-grade inflammation (2). Cutting back on alcohol could help you save money, improve your relationships and get positive effects for the way you look and feel too – often within a few days. The free MyDrinkaware app can help you stay motivated by setting realistic, achievable goals that fit your lifestyle, and help you make changes that stick – at your own pace.

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